Liv has an ANC! This is a number that basically represents her immunity. The radiation and chemo ahead of the transplant take this to 0. It takes several days or weeks for the new cells to begin growing. Today an ANC of 18 means it is the first sign of the new cells doing something. Still a very long way to go but this is an exciting step! When Liv’s ANC is above 500 and some other criteria are met she will be able to leave the hospital.
Liv still has pretty severe mucusitos which causes severe pain in her mouth. She is on morphine and has not eaten or drank for 8 days. Can not swallow and her saliva looks like thick glue. You can imagine how much fun that is! She does not talk much because of the pain so she uses a white board to communicate. She also has a lot of heal pain that is caused from the chemo affecting her nerves. Overall she is the most miserable that I have seen her in any of her hospital stays. She was worse this winter while in icu but she didn’t know because she was heavily sedated. Even with the pain Liv always finds a way to make the best of her day. She takes advantage of moments when she feels decent to do things like share gifts with other kids on her floor, ride an exercise bike, watch Netflix, catch up on social media, art therapy and of course fight through the pain to give the best smile she can give with a big thumbs up!! We believe the bottom is near and Liv will begin feeling better soon. Thank you everyone for following her story!
Connie Hillegass
8/5/2018 10:08:33 am
I'm praying that your good sales will cell , will keep going up, happy to see you enjoy your family and your room today, our prayers are with you Olivia and with your whole family may God bless you all !!!
8/5/2018 10:36:59 am
We are so pleased to see that ANC score and learn what it means. Walk the Walk.....Faith will get you there. Praying everyday for you and your family. May God bless you in a special way and take away your pain.
Susie Pinkerton
8/5/2018 10:37:09 am
Hi Olivia think about you often your such a brave young lady as well as your brother. Prayers that your # continue to go up & for strength & healing. God be with you & your family. I have a former coworker that has just recently also gone through a bone marrow transplant. He also has went through a lot of the same thing you are going through. He had his done about two weeks before you did. He just got out of hospital Friday into apartment close to hospital for three months. You are both in my daily prayers. God bless you Oliver my he watch over you & keep him in you in his care.
Carolyn Dilts
8/5/2018 04:45:34 pm
OlivIa, I can't remember anyone that has been so strong through everything you have endured. I'm praying for your healing and your pain to subside.
Jennifer Myers
8/5/2018 07:03:52 pm
Whats an address so I may send some goodies?!?
8/5/2018 07:53:36 pm
Olivia, God's Blessings to You for your cells to continue to climb and the pain goes away. Prayers also to the rest of the family too, for it is hard to see someone you love so much hurting
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