Liv is feeling decent this afternoon! Still lots of ups and downs but we love to see the good times. PT (physical therapy) is coming in to work with Liv today. They come in periodically to do some exercises to help keep Liv’s body in shape. They will work with what ever activity level you are able to achieve. I reminded Liv that they would be in at 3:30, typical of her she always wants to do her best so she asked for her tennis shoes! She never lacks ambition and is a model patient!
The doctors still say she looks good and her body shows signs of healing! All of the pain she has is par for the course! Hopefully she will be better soon! Thank you all for following!!!
Liv has an ANC! This is a number that basically represents her immunity. The radiation and chemo ahead of the transplant take this to 0. It takes several days or weeks for the new cells to begin growing. Today an ANC of 18 means it is the first sign of the new cells doing something. Still a very long way to go but this is an exciting step! When Liv’s ANC is above 500 and some other criteria are met she will be able to leave the hospital.
Liv still has pretty severe mucusitos which causes severe pain in her mouth. She is on morphine and has not eaten or drank for 8 days. Can not swallow and her saliva looks like thick glue. You can imagine how much fun that is! She does not talk much because of the pain so she uses a white board to communicate. She also has a lot of heal pain that is caused from the chemo affecting her nerves. Overall she is the most miserable that I have seen her in any of her hospital stays. She was worse this winter while in icu but she didn’t know because she was heavily sedated. Even with the pain Liv always finds a way to make the best of her day. She takes advantage of moments when she feels decent to do things like share gifts with other kids on her floor, ride an exercise bike, watch Netflix, catch up on social media, art therapy and of course fight through the pain to give the best smile she can give with a big thumbs up!! We believe the bottom is near and Liv will begin feeling better soon. Thank you everyone for following her story! |
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